Sonjé 6 Mé (Remember 6th May) project is the first edition of “hommage aux ancêtres” from Trinidad and Martinique.
The poem multilangual The Forbidden Dance (La Danse Interdite) written by the Indo-Trinidadian Suhana Rampersad teaches on the cultural heritage of the descendant of Indian Indentured workers who were brought by the British & French to the Caribbean Island the mid-nineteenth century, particular Martinique.
Dances as an art form of resistance in post-colonial society immediately brings to mind Nadron & Bharathanatyam, reminding us of the Ramayana mythology, Shiva’s choreography and Hindu Pooja ritualistic elements like camphor, incense, smoke and water.
The two video clips following the poem, shows the Indo-Martinican Emerick Merlin dancing in front of an unused Tamil Hindu temple taking place at Tivoli.
Released in May 2021, on the 168th official Indian Indentured Arrival Day to Martinique (6th May 1853) as a reminder of the sacredness of our ancestors practices.
In April 2022, Suhana received a Prize for Creative Writing in french by the Departement of English of York University, Canada.
Poem & Interpretation by Suhana Rampersad @suhana.k.r
Videos, Visuals & Description by Claire-Ania Virgile @indianaania
Dancer Emerick Merlin @mrick.mrln
Assitants Lisa Augnet @la97292 & Julien @neelit
May 2021. Parc De Tivoli, Martinique